The Eastern Woodlands Métis Nation of Nova Scotia (EWMNNS) was created and exists to foster, promote and preserve our Métis identity and Heritage. We will strive to promote Education, Training, Business opportunities and Leadership in Self-Governance so that our people can reach their full potential and realize Economic, Cultural, Social, Spiritual, Health and Wellness and Legal/Justice issues, while becoming more economical independent and self-reliant.

The ultimate authorities within the EWMNNS are the full voting Métis members. Consensus will be sought from the “Grass Roots” membership and will be insured by organizational structures of the EWMNNS, which takes into account the traditional values of our Ancestors, with the belief that whole Communities are more important than one individual or group of individuals.
As Aboriginal People of Canada, recognized and constitutionally protected under Sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act of Canada, we share a unique role with our First Nation and Inuit relations. It will be our goal to become Self-Actualized as laid out in the Final Report of ” The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People.” Once again, for our Ancestors, our Families and future Generations, we shall be known as “THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THEMSELVES,” OUR PEOPLE.
The membership of the EWMNNS is comprised of all those Métis or Non-Status Aboriginal, registered with the EWMNNS, 1A West, Pier One Complex, 101 Water Street, Yarmouth Nova Scotia, B5A 4P4.